
of that cold feeling..

I don’t know about you, but i found  that i have the tendency to fall back in time. I mean, when I see, hear or feel something that would remind me of a particular time and place, I would fall deep in that thought of surreal-ness.

Here’s an example:

I rarely long for England. But this image sort of gives me the cold sensation, of walking along that slippery path, braving the winter time with the sound of vehicles making a good splash from the puddles. That solitude, and having the space and time to really think straight. Of missing home and familiar faces. No, I don’t want to visit that place again, at least not now. I won’t be able to fathom the fact that I would only be visiting, as a tourist, not as one who lives there. I don’t favor winter, or autumn. But I’m only human, and I’m deeply missing it. That is not me by the way. Photo credit to Pinterest.


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