
of how you learn..

i used to blame myself for not reading enough books to be able to write a beautiful piece of writing..or not knowing infrequent-but-sounds-so-intellectual-words such as ‘arbitrary’ or ‘ambiguity’..but now i no longer blame myself for not reading books, because i know now it’s just how i learn language..

i learned today that your personality affected the outcome of your second language acquisition..i wont be writing all linguistics here, don’t worry *i’ll explain as simple as i could so you’d understand*..

the reasons for what i’ve become in my second language *my proficiency in English language* is the result of what kind of learner i am in learning the language..i’m the extrovert learner..i was eager to practice what i’ve learned, and eventually i practice what i need to communicate successfully and that excludes infrequent words such as ‘jeopardy’ or ‘egalitarianism’..or beautiful sentence structure..so my vocabulary tends to be limited..

the opposite of this learning style is introvert, the kind of learner who does a lot of thinking with the language..it will be easier for them to study the second language and they tend to be more accurate in their word selections *be it in writing or speaking* but they might become less fluent in speech..

so now i know why amir fikrie was soooooo damn good with his vocabulary and sentence structure..satisfied amir..?ans so, what kind of learner are you..?


of remembering names..

one of the reasons why this blog is quite quiet this past few months is..?i couldn’t upload any photo with any entry..i wonder if it’s the proxy setting of my internet supplier *because i’m using the university’s internet* or it’s my computer itself..?hu~i need help..

anyway, i was at a field the other day, being an umpire for a netball match..i was having a break when i saw the student attache came approaching..then she called out my name “yuyu, ape khabar..?” and i went “ou~she knew my name..when was the last time i spoke with her and introduced myself..?” as i remembered, i talked with her during last year’s open house at everton hall..that was the only time i introduced myself and talked to her..and she could remember me, despite the fact that there were 3++ of us here..and she’s new in Wellington too..

what i want to say is, i was impressed with some people’s ability of remembering names..most of them are teachers, and i wonder if i could do the same..

i still remember my feelings when one of my teachers in high school called out my name..i was in form 1, and the teacher didn’t even teach the lower form students..but he knew my name..in fact, he knew all the students’ names..i was like “mcm best plak cikgu ni tau name aku..”

you see, people love it when you can remember their names..tak rasa gembira ke bila orang yang kita tak biasa bercakap, ingat nama kita..?



owh, seems like i was tagged in an entry by dear adinda (i dun know why i can’t insert her link, but here’s her blog : edna-sinn.blogspot.com ) it took me quite sometimes to notice i was tagged but it’s better late then never šŸ™‚ so here it goes..

7 random things about myself..

1) i have fear for speed and heights..and i’m also a claustrophobic..*has this makes 3 already?*

2) my shoe size is 6.5 and it’s always difficult to find..

3) i have sensitive skin and teeth problem..and i have to stick with all the mild body wash and toothpaste..

4) i love cats

5) i don’t have colour preferences..i just don’t mind..because i think i like all colours..

6) i’m a dyslexic

7) i hate math šŸ™‚

i should be tagging 7 more beautiful bloggers but let’s just make it this way..beauty lies in the eye of the beholder..and i believe everyone is beautiful in their own way..help yourself..do write 7 random things about you..

p/s: i just turned 23 yesterday and i would like to thank everyone for the wishes and i pray too, that all the good prayers will be answered..


i say what..?

i’m still holiday-ing..berehat-rehat dengan gembira..spend duit mcm duit setinggi gunung everest when the fact is it’s as thin as air..there’s an assignment to be submitted but i haven’t even think about it yet..the holiday mood is insisting to stay and refusing to leave..

i feel like watching more and more movies..marathon-ing grey’s anatomy..hang out with friends..eating out delicious food..and most importantly, being with my family..em..now i figured it out..i’m home-sick..i sooo need a winter break right now..come soon winter..so i can use the holiday to be with my family..


ariff shah..

dear ariff shah,

you know, i get pretty tired when you talk about your never-ending crushes..

owh, and i get so sick when you update your twitter status with your never-ending blog promotion..

and when you posted something attention-seeking status on facebook over tiny little thing like ‘owh, my back hurts’ and people were pity-ing you, i always feel like telling the people this : ‘please don’t pity him..he’sĀ  just being lame..’

and when you get excited over planning things and predicting the future, i always know it’s not going to happen..

and please don’t let me say anything bad anymore..

but you know what, we’ve been friends for nearly 15 years now (and still counting unless you die..yes you, not me :p)..i couldn’t remember anything from primary school but i do remember some from high school..

do you still remember k.akma..?you remember how i used to be the unwilling cupid between you two..?

and do you still remember how horrible you looked with the golden-framed spectacles you wore in form 2..?

owh, this is sweet..do you still remember how you were appointed to be the leader for Muzaffar Inimitable Notion Developers and suddenly you needed to join a camp and you left me to work with Dzula..?and you expected us to win with little or no participation from you..?man..how could you..?em, you didn’t expect me to remember the full name of our team huh..?well screw you..

and, owh, you chose me to be the vice president for pembina..and towards the end, you and your fellow nerds knew there’ll be no pembina that would be produced but you never stopped me from telling the people to write all the reports..and i looked like an idiot you know! sheesh..

there was just so much history to write here..so ok..i’ll stop..but anyway, happy birthday ariff shah..wishing you all the best in the year to come..may your days be filled with sunshine and beautiful colors..and may your nights be filled with comforting dreams and wishes to come..

p/s: no..i don’t hate you..don’t worry.. šŸ™‚