
of that hashtag..

it started to snow two days ago and i found #uksnow on twitter..well i tweeted using the same hashtag and i appeared on the hastag’s page..and tonight, when it snows again in leeds, i tweet the same hashtag and i notice that they also have #uksnowmap..so i tweet the occurrence of snow and specify my place and poof! look at this people..i’m on the globe! hahah #jakun

you can check where the snow falls on this map, what people tweet about the snow conditions, and see some photos too..this is swag man~ LOL!
you can check where the snow falls on this map, what people tweet about the snow conditions, and see some photos too..this is swag man~ LOL!

oh i also heard that it’s darurat in jakarta..fellow friends studying there, be safe ya..my prayers are with you guys there..do keep some fresh water handy..and save!